All Eyes on TWTR #SassyMusings 7/29/14

  • Actually your eyes are probably on TWTR often, but this time I mean the stock not your feed.
  • Very nice day overall for my positions. Kind of in a rush today so not going to update all the positions I’ve mentioned in my #SassyMusings. I did sell the QQQ calls from yesterday though which was the only very short term one I mentioned and three quarters of HPQ (it’s more than a free trade now).
  • I did have a nice trade in WYNN today. I’m out for now but bullish.
  • It’s all about TWTR which I took a tiny gamble in with next weeks calls.
  • Tomorrow is when the fireworks starts I’m told. Fun stuff.
  • As summer winds down I’m going to start trading more high quality names for swings. More boring perhaps, but as of now I believe they will do better.
  • Chart of the day: To go with the tweet of day, what an ugly chart. Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 3.55.56 PM
  • Tweet of the day: Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 3.11.03 PM
  • Regret of the day: None

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