Have You Heard the One About a Dull Market? #SassyMusings 6/19/14

Never short it, Yo.

Speaking of Yo, if you want to Yo me I’m as Sassyspy


  • Great day to be long CELG, which I mentioned here two days ago.
  • Of the other ones I mentioned here, GOOGL looks good, OWW looks good, YHOO – meh, and ABBV (mentioned on TWTR) – meh.
  • If you want another idea, I am long HP (already in profit), but still looks great – as does many energy names.
  • I also bought CRM today.
  • Overall, this action is bullish. The tiny tiny pull-back this afternoon (if you can call it that) was slow and met with buyers. Nothing bearish about that.
  • Tripple (or quadruple witching tomorrow can bring some odd moves so won’t make much of it unless something big happens). Lot’s of pinning I’m sure.
  • Lots of call options being bought in size among many stocks recently. That is usually a sign that things are going to still work on the long side. It’s when that dries up that it gets more worrisome.
  • Yes I know the VIX is soooooo low, fear/greed soooo high, put/call etc etc. Well, for those who have yet to read this post I wrote or need a reminder, please read why This Time IS Different. I’m not saying this will never matter, but news flash, it’s not mattering right now. By focusing on it you are distracting yourself from making money in one of the best environments to trade in.
  • Don’t know what the deal is with GLD so no comment.
  • Chart of the day: Big profits with options, which I rolled out so I can stay long and keep profits.
  • Tweet of the day: none – good sign for bulls.
  • Regret of the day: none.

Have a good evening.

If you are looking for great trades (i.e. CELG) and meh ones that still have a chance (i.e. YHOO) and a whole lot of other stuff feel free to check out a subscription. Check out the testimonials as well to see how the service can be helpful.
