Terms and Conditions

SassyOptions Premium Services is an educational and informational stock charting service. SassyOptions, LLC is obligated to meeting this contractual service agreement to its fullest extent, while the purchaser of the service is responsible for the agreed upon cost. You are agreeing to purchase this premium service for the defined length of time specified and all recurring monthly payments when subscribing to SassyOptions Premium Services. There are no refunds or partial refunds for the services provided. SassyOptions Premium Services are for educational and informational purposes only and are strictly prohibited from distribution of any kind. All subscriptions are renewed automatically through PayPal services. If you intend or desire to cancel your service before renewal, you must do so before your next individual billing cycle starts, through PayPal. SassyOptions Premium Services are solely intended for the individual subscribing to the service only. SassyOptions, LLC reserves the right to cancel your membership at anytime for abusing these informational privileges or other misconduct of any kind. There could be some days without service throughout the year for personal or technical reasons, but SassyOptions, LLC is committed to providing you with continuous education and information throughout the year to its fullest extent.
