Rangebound Digestion #SassyMusings 7/22/14

  • So everyone eats burrito’s and CMG is a monster, while NFLX is just meh. I posted this morning that the risk for NFLX this week was to the downside based on below and that investors obviously weren’t that impressed. nflx.7.21
  • Next up, AAPL.
  • Yes the bulls are still in charge. SPY went though the 198 calls and for now hanging on. I will be curious to see if they were sold or still sitting there. If they are sitting there I will be more inclined to think we get a pullback unless AAPL does some miracle.
  • I sold TMO today. Still looks good, but it’s hanging pretty far out of it’s BB band so I will let it rest.
  • Sold my LNKD as well and got some GOGO and GMCR. GOOGL still working slowly.
  • HLF – lololololol. I actually feel bad for Ackman. I mean not horribly bad cause he is still super successful and rich, but just bad that he is probably feeling so awful today.
  • Chart of the day: Quite the tight range. Screen Shot 2014-07-22 at 4.01.40 PM
  • Tweet of the dayScreen Shot 2014-07-22 at 3.26.33 PM
  • Regret of the day: Getting into TSLA

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