ZZZZZZ #SassyMusings 6/30/14

  • The only thing I posted publicly this weekend was this tweet: Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 2.13.01 PM
  • I was much more detailed to my subscribers and so far it was OK. Nothing breathtaking. I came in holding SINA as I mentioned last week in my SassyMusings. I bought GS and AAPL this morning. And I started position in BIDU and V that I have more time on. So far so good.
  • Pretty boring day though for the most part.
  • Chart of the day: Remember how ugly this looked. Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 4.08.38 PM
  • Tweet of the day: Sure why not, got a chuckle. Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 3.14.55 PM
  • Regret of the day: none.

Have a good evening. If you are looking for guidance, new ideas, open interest stuff, trading options then check out a subscription. Check out testimonials.
